On the morning of October 26, Wes’s favorite keyboard player, Bev (who also happens to be his mom), had left knee replacement surgery and was recovering well, even texting her grandkids in the evening. The next morning Bev was not acting like her usual self, and after many tests it was determined she had a stroke.

Bev is now receiving therapy six days each week (speech, physical therapy, and occupational therapy). She is recovering slowly, and we were excited to hear Bev now has “tingling” in her right side, which is a sign that she is regaining feeling.

How will we manage to continue onward and forward until Bev gets back on the keyboard? With the invaluable help of our son, Nick, and thanks to advancements in technology (also after years of talking about it), we purchased equipment earlier this summer and began recording Bev on many songs. In retrospect, we realize and believe these recordings (sound tracks) were in God’s plan all along to help us keep going during this period.

Because of Bev’s love for this mission and her active participation, we are fully confident she would say in a heartbeat, “GO! Don’t stop the music. I’ll rejoin you as soon as the Lord is willing.”  Therefore, we are proceeding with a full winter schedule of outreach.

Please pray Bev will be able to join us on the winter circuit in 2018.



      Back row, from the left side:  Nick & Teisha, Hayli (9) & Kairi (8); Wes & Dawn;
      Joshua (12),  Michelle holding Ezra (3), Ben with Isaiah (4), Grace (8) and Levi (10)
      Front row, beginning from the left:  Quinton (8), Arla (6), Katie & Erik, Samantha (2);
      Mark; Jaime & Ky (12)

As we are writing this in December, we reflected that Christmas has always been about surprises and interruptions in our plans, just as Mary and Joseph experienced that first Christmas. It seems this one is right on course, but we trust God has a perfect plan.

Our hope is that this will encourage you to embrace a few surprises and interruptions in your life, if only we trust Him and watch it all unfold …

We pray you have a blessed Christmas and joy-filled New Year!



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