Greetings and a very Merry Christmas!
God’s blessings to you from Remember the Love of the Family !

Let us not look back, but forward, fixing our eyes on the prize of our high calling in Christ Jesus for 2021. To know Him and make Him known. Look, the fields are ripe unto harvest!

Though there’s been so much negative news, fear and many things closed down, we have been getting excited about what’s coming just ahead.

We are currently lining up some “outside the box” opportunities as friends of this ministry are getting creative during these times. Such as … in-home, backyard, and outdoor senior living outreaches, coming alongside other ministries with music or any other way we can help them reach out, not to mention neighbors and friends who just need a helping hand and encouragement!

We just did an in-home concert for some seniors recently and have backyard music events for kids lining up as we write this … Please pray for many more to come.

Our country and our world is desperately ripe for goodwill, Good News and great Hope!
We have found it! Let’s give it to them!

Pray for one another that this Christmas season and the new year, 2021, will go down in history as the next great revival!

Thank you Jesus!
Your musicianaries,

Wes, Dawn and our family team!



Our grandkids, summer 2020!


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