August 2015 header

Their lives changed in a moment…

Crash before and after

Meet our son, Nick, his wife, Teisha, daughters Hayli (7), Kairi (6) and dog, Laci 🙂

FamilyOver the past five years, Nick has generously helped us with all things computer-related and internet such as music video projects, E-newsletters, powerpoint, and much more.

When his company downsized last year, Nick was laid off his graphic design job in Minnesota. Prayerfully, he and Teisha decide to sell their home and most of their belongings; they purchase a 37 foot travel trailer to live in. Nick’s plan is to work “remotely” from his computer and continue helping us, along with his other business ideas.

RV family pic

October 2014

With winter fast approaching, Nick and family, RV in tow, head to Florida, in close proximity to Wes & Dawn and Grandpa Leo & Grandma Bev.

As many of you know, our schedule was put on hold when Leo Coyour, Wes’ Dad and Nick’s Grandpa, went home to Heaven on March 14, 2015.

Abruptly, Nick and family drive back to Minnesota to prep all the video and visuals for Grandpa’s funeral and then back to Florida.

On April 24, 2015, Nick and his family leave Naples heading to Minnesota, towing their 37′ home.

On the road for only an hour, a tire blows and according to witnesses,
their vehicle and the travel trailer rolled over at least TWICE.

Most of their material possesions were destroyed, but by God’s grace, even the EMTs on the scene couldn’t believe the four of them only received minor injuries from the accident. They were all taken by ambulance to the ER and examined; Nick had a fractured sternum and Kairi received 5 stitches on her finger.

11156335_10205197075619603_4320069173082820700_nIMG_20150425_13523097811041015_10205197077899660_8399116408255497911_n11188172_10205197077659654_3304782103125139609_nApril 25 at the salvage yard searching for eye glasses, cell phones, passports … anything.
Upper right: what’s left of their travel trailer

Obviously God still has plans for them!

After much thought, prayer, and trusting God to provide, we are officially welcoming Nick and Teisha to partner with us. Nick is focusing on a family legacy video and then other projects that have been “shelved” too long. Teisha is relieving Dawn of some administrative work and will begin more frequent communications on social media sites.

Three ways you can help us welcome Nick and Teisha:
(1) PRAY God will use and multiply Nick and Teisha’s talents collectively for His Kingdom to reach their media-driven generation
(2) Send a note of welcome or encouragement to Nick and Teisha on back of donation slip
(3) Prayerfully consider financial support

To give online, click 

If you are interested in more info, contact:
Nick or Teisha: Wes or Dawn:

After eight years, we are so blessed and excited to see what God has in store.
Thanks to each of you, we are growing . . . not slowing.

Serving together through your love, prayers, and support,
