We never saw it coming!   

In 2010, an invitation to sing and share for a group of 20 elementary-age, public school kids has exploded to sharing with nearly 1,000 kids annually in public after-school clubs, Awanas, Sunday Schools and other outreaches in Minnesota, Georgia, and Florida. We never imagined in our wildest dreams at this point in our lives that more than half our work and mission would be for kids.  One benefit is we don’t need to join a gym!

02The leadership and volunteers in all the children’s programs we work alongside are an incredible inspiration to us. These “kid passionate” leaders provide the connection and these kids are the future.

What a privilege! We are so grateful for Mom (Bev) still going strong on the keyboards. Also, our son, Nick, and his family, Teisha, Hayli, and Kairi continue to work at these events and Nick has created inspiring visual media, which continues to receive rave reviews.  This is a win-win for us as the older folks love to see kids, kids love seeing kids, and most others are shocked to see four generations working together!  This is the heart of  “Remember the Love of the Family”.

YOUR prayers are so appreciated as we write, choose, learn, choreograph, prep video and record new and old music to continue reaching out to “kids” from 5 to 105, (yes, we do still sing and share with all ages) who all seem to love and be touched by the music.

YOUR support makes the way for us to do this!!!   You may seldom see us face to face, yet we believe you pray and give by God’s leading, so we can serve. We do not take this lightly. All we know is that this is what we’ve been given and called to do, and we must be faithful, diligent and not lose heart or grow weary.

Hebrews 10:23-24  “We must hold on to to the hope we have, never hesitating to tell people about it. We can trust God to do what He promised. We should think about each other to see how we can encourage each other to show love and do good works.”





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